New in 2020 – when you purchase a Poster Set or Desktop Edition, you also receive immediate access to The 5PKC Online Education Course that includes nearly two hours of video and seven handouts specifically designed to help give you a more in-depth understanding of how to utilize The 5 Primary Kinetic Chains in the therapeutic assessment process and for client education.
Applied Anatomy for Yoga Therapeutics lays the foundation for greater understanding of both movement and anatomy. It is for practitioners and students alike. Movement specialist, yogi, and kinesiologist Joseph Schwartz invites the reader to go on a journey of anatomy by exploring movement.
Included in the book are illustrations and anatomy charts outlining The 5 Primary Kinetic Chains. They are both exceptional in content and presentation. The colors simplify and demonstrate how the body integrates in movement – something traditional muscle charts simply cannot display. The clarity of how the core cylinder integrates with breath and movement is information that builds a bridge from the wisdom of time-tested practices to contemporary biomechanics in the emerging field of yoga therapeutics. Spiral Bound. 132pp.
Purchasing the bundle gives the reader access to The Desktop Edition which uses the walking gait to demonstrate how The 5 Primary Kinetic Chains work together to unify the body. Read more below.
“The Nervous System: Move your body ~ Move your brain” ~ Chapter 1
Chocked full of relevant information, Schwartz discusses the physiological process of how our breath & breathing, posture & movement, and structure & body are all in interdependent relationship with one another. By deepening our understanding of these individual components and how they integrate into the whole, both students and teachers of therapeutic yoga will gain meaningful material to broaden their scope of practice.
“Restoring the proper sequence in breathing is often the foundation in the therapeutic process. As the mechanics of the breathing apparatus are restored, balance can return to structural, physiological and emotional components.” ~ Chapter 2
Instead of providing recipes in movement strategies, this book teaches the reader to combine ingredients to tailor to the unique presentations of their clients. Applied Anatomy for Yoga Therapeutics goes into great detail about a process called “Test Challenge Retest” — a strategy to help keep the body safe.
Topics covered include:
- The Role of the Nervous System
- Breath and the Breathing Apparatus
- The Anatomy of Structure
- Movement and Learned Behavior
- Compensation and Coping Strategies
- Movement Repatterning
- Inquiry and Test Challenge Retest
- Anatomy Through the Lens of The 5 Primary Kinetic Chains
- Therapeutic Asana and Movement for Injury
“Compensation is our nervous system being brilliant at finding the solution to the movement equation.” ~ Chapter 7
Perhaps one of the most compelling aspects of Joseph’s work is his compassionate and respectful perspective on coping and compensation. Dysfunction is not regarded as a problem, but as the body doing its best. With the breath governing the inquiry at all times, reverence for the individual’s unique coping mechanisms and limits is maintained as new thresholds of function are established. Like the beautiful, artistic renderings in his book, Joseph’s approach to the human body is multi-dimensional, nuanced, and inspiring. I cannot recommend this book highly enough. I firmly believe that Joseph’s work is a timely contribution to the fields of manual therapy, somatic studies, and all movement-based disciplines. If you have a body, you need this book. ~ Christina Sell, author of Yoga From the Inside Out: Making Peace With Your Body Through Yoga and My Body is a Temple: Yoga as a Path to Wholeness
The 5 Primary Kinetic Chains are based on the theorem behind Andry Vleeming’s Core Subsystems. Each chart outlines a primary physiological principle in movement: bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, muscles and fascia do not work in isolation. They work synergistically to create movement. When movement is balanced and efficient, the players are all cooperating.
The Desktop Edition use the walking gait to demonstrate how The 5 Primary Kinetic Chains work together to unify the body. Why use walking as a barometer of health, movement, and vitality? Simply because it is the one thing that most of us do daily and are either doing so – integrated, which boosts vitality, or compensated – which is detracting from vitality.
The integration of the 5PKC and the Principal Actions (explained in greater detail in the Desktop Edition) are a baseline for our health. By looking at our anatomy through the lens of movement, it offers a welcome and useful shift in how we look at the body.
Brian Justin –
These two manuals together are essential for any movement instructor to use in teaching about core function. I ;plan on using these manuals and the posters for my Core Conditioning Specialist course and during my Core Conditioning module in my university course I instruct on Exercise Prescription. They are beautifully illustrated and well-written. Excellent work!
Christine Pan –
I am a chiropractor and I use both of these books in our office. The reads and vibrancy of the illustrations do not disappoint. They have helped me to fine-tune my knowledge of the biomechanics of kinetic chains as well as help me to explain it to my patients. Brilliant work. Thank you, Movement Mantra!