DNA – Module Two


After we have established a well-functioning breathing apparatus, the next progression is to complete the Dynamic Platform.  DNA™ Module 2 focuses on the Deep Longitudinal and Lateral Kinetic Chains that complete The Dynamic Platform.

In Module Two you will take the template learned Module One and apply that to shock absorption, ground force reaction, and axial stability.

Mod Two will expand your application of The 5 Essential Skills so that you can continue to safely challenge the nervous system of your clients in incremental and beneficial way.

Specifically, we will explore how foot, knee, and hip arthokinamatics integrates with the sacral iliac joint and leg drive. Next we evaluate the axial skeleton. We are looking at the capacity for kinetic energy translate up through leg drive into the axis of the spine.

A supportive Dynamic Platform will provide the necessary integration so that we can begin to explore the subject of Module Three, storing and releasing elastic energy.

In each module of Dynamic Neuromuscular Assessment ™️ ~ we take the template of The 5 Essential Skills and apply them in an incremental progression from static to dynamic ~ all the while maintaining the first consideration of the nervous system, learned in Mod One ~ which is limbic safety.

DNA™ Module 2 Synopsis

The Dynamic Platform provides the musculoskeletal system with the stability it needs to act with and respond to a changing environment. Without this Dynamic Platform, the appendicular skeleton would be impaired to appropriately respond to movement. In other words, without the Dynamic Platform, work production, and the storing and releasing elastic energy, would not have optimal capacity.

In Module One we learned to refine our conversation with the nervous system and apply that to the breathing apparatus. During the Module Two Seminar, we will continue to expand on the foundation set in Module One. Module Two’s focus will be joint response and applying the functional compass to the integration of shock absorption and ground force reaction. Our road map will be the Deep Longitudinal Kinetic Chain and Lateral Kinetic Chain.

We will learn:

    • To complete the dynamic platform
    • Assessment of dynamic joint response
    • Assessment of shock absorption
    • To apply the Functional Compass™ to movement potential
    • Joint-by-Joint assessment of the Deep Longitudinal and Lateral Kinetic Chains
    • Assessment of the keystone relationship between the pelvis and sacrum
    • How to take clients through gait specific global/local/global assessments

Upcoming Seminars