An excerpt from the Dynamic Neuromuscular Assessment™ Manual:
It can’t be overstated how important it is to get the global picture of your client’s presentation before introducing correctives. The reason for this is in the nature of compensation itself.
Maladaptation is a response to stress. That stress could be emotional, physiological, or structural. The intelligence of the nervous system employs a coping strategy to meet the needs of the environment. If/when that coping strategy is unable to meet the need, then the nervous system will recruit another strategy to help. This is how multiple players become involved in dysfunctional movement patterns.
When there are multiple players involved in the compensation, there will be only one primary pair. There may be multiple secondary compensations. If we remove a secondary compensation, we are creating a void in the container. Then the nervous system will need to come up with new strategy to fill the void. This is why clients can have adverse response to treatments.
By understanding the global picture of your client’s presentation before introducing correctives, you are decreasing the risk of going down the rabbit hole. More effective assessment equals more effective treatment!
DNA™ takes the skills you already possess and puts them into a context that makes those skills more effective. When you employ what Joseph calls The Five Essential Skills with the corrective strategies you already use, the results of your work will have a quantum effect with your clients. Click here to learn more!